I like to have the weather conditions and forecasts close at hand. My wife likes to use the program that accesses the weather channel but I find it has far too many ads and is just generally unattractive. I just installed the new beta for Desktop Weather and love it. The visual information is pretty basic but is all I need - it lists current weather conditions in my area and gives a forecast for each day of the upcoming week. You can use transparency so that it becomes part of your desktop. It has the ability to change font and font color. The website indicates that the next version will have the ability to flash you a warning when there are weather advisories. Check it out if you like. You'll need the .NET framework download from the Windows Update site in order to use it.
on Jun 25, 2002
It's a handy app, I just discovered it yesterday. However, be warned, it's a memory hog, due, I've read, to the .NET framework. It used about 21 MB on my machine, and with only 128 MB, that's a little too much. Overall, if you have the RAM to spare, it's pretty decent.
on Jun 25, 2002
Only using 17 Mb here

Works with UK weather too

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on Jun 25, 2002
17mb? Even that's too much, and I have 512megs. I'm not giving up 17mb just to get weather on my desktop... but I guess it comes down to what you find important, or cool.
on Jun 25, 2002
Yea- when I saw you needed the .net baloney I cancelled my download. Should they ever bung it all in one wrapper and get the memory usage down to something reasonable I'll look at it again
on Jun 25, 2002
I've stopped using it, it doesn't get on well with LiteStep - the tranparent background becomes, well, not exactly transparent.

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on Jun 25, 2002
Weatherbug (http://www.weatherbug.com) is much nicer! Only 10K, it goes into your taskbar. Although the taskbar only displays the current temperature, double-clicking on the temperature opens up the main program which gives you everything you could ever need (current local temp, wind speed & direction, humidity, barometer, forecast, alerts, radar, live local pics, travel forecasts, and more). It's also free (although the main screen has an ad on it). Also, it works fine with all the Stardock apps.
on Jun 25, 2002

Try TrayWeather, it's free also and uses only 7mb of ram and goes also into the taskbar.



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on Jun 25, 2002
I have 256MB of ram and it wouldn't even load up on my system, so i will stick with good old Weather Bug

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on Jun 25, 2002
Funny how these things go... In testing the link to WeatherBug in my previous post, I went up to their website and found out that a new version was available (I was using 3.5, 4.0 is the latest). So I downloaded it and ran it. Didn't really see anything new, except that the memory usage in the taskbar is now 5 Mb (5572K if you want to be exact).

BTW, what's the link to TrayWeather?

on Jun 26, 2002
Looks great, I'd use it, but no Australia
on Jun 26, 2002
I continue to run it with no noticeable problems, except it doesn't exactly hold it's position on the screen from session to session. I will keep an eye out for the next update, because it is supposed to add some features I am looking for.

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on Jun 27, 2002

The official TrayWeather website is dead. If you want i can e-mail the zip to you (about 1.2mb).



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